Paul Galvin showed how to hide a field in a SharePoint. I wanted to use this code to make a field “read only” once a from has been submitted. Forgetting about DataSheet view (for now), we can put a Content Editor Webpart on the top of the EditFrom.aspx page (to add a CEWP to the top of the edit from, append the URL to this -> EditForm.aspx?ToolPaneView=2) and include his code:
This will hide the filed based on the Column Name (Disclaimer). Taking this a step further, we can get the selected value (a drop down box in this case), and append a column after the hidden column with some formatting, a column name and the selected value. Effectively making the column readonly.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('tr:has(select[title=Disclaimer])').not('tr:has(tr)').hide(); $('tr:has(select[title=Disclaimer])').not('tr:has(tr)').append( '<tr><td nowrap="true" valign="top" width="190px" class="ms-formlabel"><H3 class="ms-standardheader">Disclaimer Accepted:</H3></TD><td valign="top" class="ms-formbody" width="400px">'+$('select[title=Disclaimer] :selected').text()+'</td></tr>'); }); </script>
hello.where should i enter this code?
You need to add a content editor webpart. “. . . to add a CEWP to the top of the edit from, append the URL to this -> EditForm.aspx?ToolPaneView=2”. Here is an overview on how to add a CEWP:
have gotten the code to work but is there any simple change which will get the code to work for radio buttons, check boxes, multi line text fields etc ??
I have moved to hiding the row based on the “field name” – the text to the left of the input box:
Then you can put anything after it like:
Thanks for the great code! This has been VERY helpful to me.
Can you give me one tip, however? I’m using the following code, adapted from yours, to display a column in read-only mode, but it is displaying BOTH the column title and the column contents where only the contents should be. Do you have any ideas on how I could fix this? Here’s the code:
$(‘nobr:contains(“SystemMessages”)’).closest(‘tr’).append(‘System Messages’+$(‘nobr:contains(“SystemMessages”)’).closest(‘tr’).text()+”);
Jeff, some of the code got cut off in my last post….. here’s the complete script.
$(‘nobr:contains(“SystemMessages”)’).closest(‘tr’).append(‘System Messages’+$(‘nobr:contains(“SystemMessages”)’).closest(‘tr’).text()+”);
try “after” instead of “append”. I believe append is just adding it to the hidden row. I had to start using after and before.
Nice code. One issue. When I edit an item and save it, it will wipe out the “disclaimer” field making it empty.
I usually hack up the edit page to keep things right.
There are many ways to make Read only fields in SharePoint:
1. Using PowerShell to set SharePoint column read only.
2. Using jQuery/Javascript to make read only fields
3. Using SharePoint Designer to make SharePoint list field read only.