Long title, but I wanted to get across what I was trying to do. If I had and XML file in a document library (you could mail enable the doc lib, and send XML from a query in SQL server using the “FOR XML” statement!), could I use jquery to add Autocomplete values to an input field in a newform.aspx? Ended up being not that difficult.
- Once the ajax call sucessfully retrievs the xml file, the parseXml routine is called.
- Seems there is an issue that IE will not think the file is XML, but rather as txt, so there some quick code to load the file as XML
- Then I just look in the file and grab the values I want, and append them to an array
- Then just set the array to be used as the autocomplete source
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "http://URL/To/xmlfile.xml", dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? "text" : "xml", success: parseXml }); }); function parseXml(data) { var xml; if (typeof data == "string") { xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xml.async = false; xml.loadXML(data); } else { xml = data; }; var results = []; $(xml).find("ID").each(function(){ var ClientName = $.trim($(this).find('Name').text()); var ClientCode = $.trim($(this).find('ZipCode').text()); results[results.length] = ClientName + "(" + ClientCode + ")" }); $('input[title=Title]').autocomplete({ source: results, delay:10, minLength: 3 }); }; </script>
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