My VPS host – Rackspace contacted me the other day to tell me that my host server became unresponsive. After it came back online I went to my MySQL replicated slave to check the status. The /var/log/mysqld.log said:
Error reading packet from server: Client requested master to start replication from impossible position
This article siad
“9 times out of 10 it’s because the master crashed and when it came back online a new binlog file was made”.
That sounds about right, my virtual host was probably force rebooted, and my VM crashed. I recovered my DBs by re-mirroring my DBs over an AutoSSH connection between my two servers.
The article goes on to say:
Now if your super sensitive of lost events because a row or two could of been lost from this replication event, do some spot testing for tables written to often”
I wanted to verify my DBs were the same on both master and slave, so I wrote this BASH function:
function CompareDBs { if [ $1 ]; then DB=$1; RDBDUMP=$(mysqldump -h <a href="tel:"></a> -P 7777 --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --skip-opt --skip-comments $DB) LDBDUMP=$(mysqldump --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --skip-opt --skip-comments $DB) diff -y --suppress-common-lines <(echo "$RDBDUMP") <(echo "$LDBDUMP") fi }
Call the function with the DB you want to compare. This script assumes that you have an SSH Tunnel between your two servers.
This will save you some hair pulling!
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