I wanted to take my previous set of scripts to create a WinPE environment a step further. I wanted a script to create a bootable WinPE USB drive (UFD).
Here is that script (again it is numbered to indicate the order in which to run things). I borrowed the diskpart stuff from here:
Function JBMURPHY-WinPE-7MakeUFD{ Param($OSArchitecture="x86",$RootDirectory="c:\PE\winpe_$OSArchitecture\ISO") $UFD=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {($_.DriveType -eq 2) -and ($_.DeviceID -ne "A:")} If ($UFD.Count -eq 0){ Write-host "Can't find any UFDs" return } "list disk" | diskpart $DriveToUse=read-host "`nWhat disk do you want to use (just the number)" If (!($DriveToUse)){exit} $command= @" select disk $DriveToUse clean create partition primary select partition 1 format fs=fat32 quick active assign LETTER=K "@ $command| DiskPart | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt 0 } | Foreach-Object { Write-Progress -Activity "Creating New UFD" -Status $_ -Id 1} copy-item -verbose "$RootDirectory\*" "K:\" -recurse }
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