When using Invoke-RestMethod with a SharePoint 2010 list and ListData.svc, it returns an “System.Xml.XmlElement#http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom#entry” object. Not sure why, but the end result is that you can’t get access to the “rel=next” url, or am I doing something wrong?
$Results=Invoke-RestMethod -uri $ListUrl -UseDefaultCredentials $Results | gm TypeName: System.Xml.XmlElement#http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom#entry
I had to use Invoke-WebRequest and then take the Content and put it in an XML variable, only then could I get to the next page of items.
$MailingLabels = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ListUrl -UseDefaultCredentials $Next = ($MailingLabelsXML.feed.link | ?{$_.rel -eq "next"}).href
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