My WSL/BASH setup

Not sure if this a “Bootstrap” or not, but I wanted to have my WSL/Bash home directory match my windows home directory. This is the code that I use when I setup a new WSL/BASH instance.

This will find your home directory via PowerShell and put it in a variable “$WINHOME”.

Then I make make soft links to the directories in my “My Documents”.

Finally, I add the first part to my .bashrc. (lines 1-4)

WINHOME=/mnt/$(powershell.exe -noprofile -noninteractive -command '& {(gci env:USERPROFILE).Value}')
WINHOME=$(echo $WINHOME | sed 's/\\/\//g' | sed 's/\r$//' | sed 's/\://g' )
WINHOME=$(echo ${WINHOME/C/c})

ln -s $WINHOME/Documents
ln -s $WINHOME/Downloads


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