Author Archive | jbmurphy

How I went about creating two related lists using JavaScript, Client Object Model and SharePoint 2010-Part3

This is the final part of these previous, posts. They setup everything (I hope) so give them a quick peak.

At this point we have the following:

  • We are editing a “new” meeting item in the MeetingList’s EditFrom.aspx page
  • We have a modal dialog box open that contains the AttendeeList’s NewForm.aspx
  • A QueryString has been passed to the modal dialog page with the related ID and List ID

Now I want to take the QueryString values and put them into the correct fields in the AttendeeList’s NewForm.aspx page (and hide these fields so the can’t be messed with) (also remember that this is all taking place in a modal dialog):

  • First I am going to hide the fields that are going to contain the related List and related item ID
  • Next I need to loop thought the QueryString and grab all the values passed, and if they match the name of an exiting field, I am going to add them to the input box of the field (taken from here). Since the QueryString values RelatedList and RelatedItem match the hidden fields above, their values get put into their input boxes.
function LoopThroughQueryString() {
    var queryString = unescape(;
    if (!queryString) {
        return {};
    queryString = queryString.substring(1);
    var pairs = queryString.split("&");
    for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
        var keyValuePair = pairs[i].split("=");
	$('input[type=text][title='+ keyValuePair[0]+ ']').each(function() {
  • Now, when I hit save int he modal dialog, the MeetingList’s related item’s ID and related list ID are added to the new attendee.

Goal met. Two lists with related items. Phew that was a lot.

How I went about creating two related lists using JavaScript, Client Object Model and SharePoint 2010-Part2

In Part1, I talked about how I wanted to relate items in two lists using the ID of an item in the first list. The setup for this article is here, hopefully it makes sense.

At this point, I have a  MeetingList item that I am editing, and the ID of the current item is in the current QueryString. This is becasue I used this code in the previous post to redirect to this page:

window.location.href = "/Lists/MeetingsList/EditForm.aspx?ID="+ oListItem.get_id();

Now I want to add an attendee to this meeting. Here are the steps of how I went about this:

  • I needed to add a “Add new attendee” button to the MeetingList EditForm.aspx page.  I used this jQuery method to add a new row after an existing field.

NewAttendeesRow='<tr id="NewAttendeesRow"><td nowrap="true" valign="top" width="190px" class="ms-formlabel">Add Attendees</TD><td valign="top" class="ms-formbody" width="400px"><img src="/MediaLibrary/plus_icon.gif"> Add NEW attendee</div></td></tr>';

$('nobr:contains("Meeting Subject")').closest('tr').after(NewAttendeesRow); //There is an exisitng field in the MeetingList named "Meeting Subject"

  • This button, when clicked would fire off a function to open a modal dialog box which will create the related attendee/item in the AttendeeList

$('#NewAttendeesRow').click(function() {

function openModalDialog() {
    var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
    options.url = "/Lists/NewAtendee/NewForm.aspx?IsDlg=1&RelatedList="+_spPageContextInfo.pageListId+"&RelatedItem="+GetQueryStringParams('ID');
    options.dialogReturnValueCallback = Function.createDelegate(
                        null, modalDialogClosedCallback);
  • This code above opens a modal dialog and passes two values via the QueryString values, the RelatedList and the RelatedItem.
    • The RelatedList value comes from the parent list (MeetingList) using the built in variable _spPageContextInfo.pageListId
    • The RelatedItem value comes from the QueryString of the current MeetingList item we are editing using this function (not sure where I found this)
function GetQueryStringParams(sParam)
    var sPageURL =;
    var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++)
        var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
        if (sParameterName[0] == sParam)
            return sParameterName[1];
  • We end up with the MeetingList’s EditFrom.aspx page, and a modal dialog box that contains the AttendeeList’s NewForm.aspx, with related ID and related List being passed to it.

Part 3 will finish off my workaround.

How I went about creating two related lists using JavaScript, Client Object Model and SharePoint 2010-Part1

I was struggling with how I could create two lists in SharePoint  2010 that were related.

Scenario: Let’s say that you want to have a list of meetings (we will call it MeetingsList), with each meeting having the potential of unlimited number of attendees. How can I do this in SharePoint? It is not possible to have Attendee-1 to Attendee-∞ (infinity) as fields in the MettingsList. I needed to move the attendees to their own list (we will call it AttendeeList). But how do I related the attendees to the meeting?

My work around: The trick was that I needed to know the MeetingsList item’s ID before I created the related attendees. I could not figure a way to get that ID until after the MeetingsList item was saved. The work around that I came up with was that I would create the item when a person clicked the “new” button, and then redirect them to EDIT the newly created item. Then I could add an item to the AttendeeList with ID of the current item being edited in the MeetingsList. Hope that makes sense. Steps and code:

  • Create a list that contains the meeting specifics – MeetingsList
  • Create a second list that will contain the attendees – AttendeeList
  • Use my Delegate Control method to insert JavaScript (code kept in a document library) into  the top of any page as described here
  • Add the following to the top of the NewForm.aspx page:
$(document).ready(function() {
function createListItem() {
    var clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('MeetingsList');
    var itemCreateInfo = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
    this.oListItem = oList.addItem(itemCreateInfo);
    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));

function onQuerySucceeded() {
window.location.href = "/Lists/MeetingsList/EditForm.aspx?ID="+ oListItem.get_id();

function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
    alert('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());

All this Client Object Model code does is create a new item in the MeetingList list, and then redirect the browser to edit that item. Now, on the EditForm.aspx page, I know the item ID of the item I am editing and I can use this ID to create a new related item in the AttendeeList. Next steps are in part 2.

How I am using a Delegate control, code in a Document library, and jQuery to customize SharePoint 2010

In this post, I showed how to put a delegate control at the top over every page, and in the control add the links to the jQuery libraries. This is nothing new, there are many articles that show how to do this. I took this a step further and I included code to do the following:

  1. Determine the current page’s relative URL (where the delegate control is running) and put that value in a Variable
  2. Take that variable and change the relative URL’s forward slashes (“/”) to underscores (“_”), and change “.aspx” to “.txt”
  3. Look for a file in a document library with a name that matches the variable created above and insert it’s contents into the additional page header

For example if  I am browsing to, and there is a file in the desiganted Document library named “_lists_announcements_allitems.txt” then it’s contentens will show up in the addition page header.

Some of the benefits I have found with my methods

  1. All client side code is kept in one place, and you can easly figure out which file is being used on each page
  2. The Document Library can have versioning, so you can rollback changes
  3. Linked CEWP can be kept in the same place
  4. It is easy to edit text, js and css files in SharePoint Designer, rather than in CEWP
  5. Now it is a snap to chop up a NewForum.aspx via jQuery
  6. It is easy to extend the code so that a file is included across all pages, making it easy to add a new js library to the entire site

Here is the code I am using in the Delegate Control (ascx)

string CurrentSiteRelativeURL = CurrentUrl.ToLower().Replace(CurrentWeb.Url.ToLower(), "");
string CustomFileName = CurrentSiteRelativeURL.Replace("/", "_");
string PageSpecificHeaderIncludes = CurrentWeb.Url + "/DocumentLibraryWithCodeInIt/" + CustomFileName.Replace(".aspx", ".txt");

Response.Write("<!--PageSpecificHeaderIncludes:" + PageSpecificHeaderIncludes + "-->");
    if (CurrentWeb.GetFile(PageSpecificHeaderIncludes).Exists == true)
        SPFile tempFile = CurrentWeb.GetFile(PageSpecificHeaderIncludes);
        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(tempFile.OpenBinaryStream());
        string myText = reader.ReadToEnd();

Anyone else doing anything like this? Thoughts?

jQuery to hide a column

I wanted to hide a column and I found this simple way to do that in jQuery. Can’t find where I originally came across it. Sorry if you figured it out first.


This hides the 5th and 6th columns. I am going to use this in a SharePoint list where I want to hide the column and put the contents in a jQuery dialog box. More on that in a bit (I hope).

Update: found my source for this

Problems with TweetDeck and Enterprise Deployment (SCCM)

Been working with @xrobx99 on this one. We had a request for TweetDeck to be installed on a couple of user’s machines. We feared that word would get out and everyone would have to have it. So we have been looking into deploying TweeDeck silently through SCCM. Using my SCCM PowerShell install script (which is basically just a wrapper for the msi commands) we have observerd the following issues below:

When run silently with the command:  msiexec /i TweetDeck.msi /q /norestart /l c:\Temp\TweetDeck.log

  • Short-cuts don’t get created
  • TweetDeck does not show up in Add Remove programs

Other Non-enterprise ready issues that we have observed:

  • No way to know the current version number without installing first (shouldn’t it be in the MSI properties?)
  • Web site does not show the current version number
  • Is there a way to NOT check/prompt for update on close? This is annoying for non-administrators (they get a UAC prompt)
  • Twitter’s registry entry in HKCU\Software is not with a capitol “T” (I know, weak, but that kind of stuff drives me crazy)

It is entirely possible that I am doing something wrong, but those are my findings.

UPDATE I realized that I can use the ALLUSERS=1 parameter and the program will be installed for all users, then the Icons and Add remove programs will be correct. Maybe the packagers need to include ALLUSERS=1 in their packaging software? Updated install string:

msiexec /i TweetDeck.msi ALLUSERS=1 /q /norestart /l c:\Temp\TweetDeck.log

My Debian/Raspberry Pi cheat sheet (translations from CentOS)

I have worked on Solaris and RedHat/CentOS (although Solaris was many years ago, so I  should just admit that I no longer know where anything is). I find Debian to be a different dialect than RedHat. This post is going to serve as my translation cheat sheet.

  1. I use the  bash complete string below with ssh and ping. It was not working under Debain. Turns out that the host names are hashed in the known_hosts files under Debian. I had to add “HashKnownHosts no” to my .ssh/config and then re-populate the known_hosts file.
    complete -W "$(sed -e 's/^  *//' -e '/^#/d' -e 's/[, ].*//' -e '/\[/d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts | sort -u)" ssh ping
  2. Debian on arm does not seem to have sysvconfig so I need to go into /etc/init.d/script name to start,stop,restart,status a service
  3. To stop a service from running at boot “update-rc.d -f smb remove” (chkconfig smb off)
  4. To start a service at boot “update-rc.d nfs defaults” (chkconfig nsf off)
  5. cat /etc/debian_version = cat /etc/redhat-release
  6. More to come

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