Author Archive | jbmurphy

Quick PowerShell script to check DNS settings on all servers

I wanted to decommission some old Domain Controllers. I needed to make sure that other servers weren’t pointing to theses old DCs for DNS. I wrote this quick PowerShell script to loop through all servers and get their DNS search order.

$AllServers=Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -Like "Windows Server*"}
ForEach ($Server in $AllServers){
$Result=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled = 'True'" -Property DNSServerSearchOrder -ComputerName $Server.Name 
$output = new-object PSObject 
$output | add-member NoteProperty "ComputerName" $Server.Name
$output | add-member NoteProperty "DNSServerSearchOrder" $Result.DNSServerSearchOrder

Hope that helps some one, or me when we moce to the next version of DCs.

Command to show all MySQL databases and their sizes

I found this MySQL query to list all DBs and their sizes here. I wanted to blog it, so it is easier for me to find.

mysql -e 'SELECT table_schema AS "Database name", SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 AS "Size (MB)" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;'

Quick PowerShell script to “tail -f” dhcp logs

When I am working in Linux, I like to leave a log open with “tail -f”, so I can see the results of some test I am performing.

The other day I wanted to see when a new machine joined the network, so I could give it a static DHCP lease. Usually I connect to the DHCP server find the DHCP logs and open them in notepad. I finally wrote a quick script to “tail -f dhcp.log” in PowerShell.


function JBM-AD-GetDHCPLogs {
 $FileName="DhcpSrvLog-$(get-date -format ddd).log"
 Get-Content $path –Wait

WWDC prediction – Retina cinema displays

Thin as can be. I am reading an article in Wired that talks about the cubicles in start-up offices having MacBooks hooked up to monitors. Seems that apple need new high def monitors for these type offices. My thoughts.

Cisco ASA 5505 from Factory Default to Static Address and defined inside subnet

I have been playing with an ASA 5505 lately. I wanted the ability to start fresh when I could not figure things out. I came up with the following commands to cut and paste into the console, allowing me to “Start over”.

First I reset to factory default and set the internal subnet range

configure factory-default

You have to hit the space bar a couple of times, then paste in the next sections:

boot system disk0:/asa911-k8.bin
interface Vlan2
 ip address
route outside
dhcpd dns
dhcpd address inside
dhcpd enable inside

ssh scopy enable
ssh inside
ssh timeout 60
ssh version 2
console timeout 0
username myusername password 3ncrypt3dp4$$w0rd encrypted privilege 15
no call-home reporting anonymous

!-- Optional - allow pings outbound
policy-map global_policy
  class inspection_default
   inspect icmp

This code above sets the external IP, enabled DHCP internally, enables ssh and scope, creates a user, and allows pings through.

I hope this might help someone.

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