Ran into this one the other day. Suspect it may be an issue for some people as their Service Principle secrets are going to expire soon (default is 1 year).
I used the following method below to build an AKS cluster:
## Create a new SP az ad sp create-for-rbac --name AKS01 --skip-assignment ## Give the new SP rights to my ACR az role assignment create --assignee AppID --role acrpull --scope /subscriptions/{SubScriptionID}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/{ACRName} ## Create: az aks create --resource-group {ResourceGroupName} --name AKS01 --ssh-key-value /path/tomy/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --service-principal SPAppID --client-secret PASSWORD ## Add an app from my ACR: kubectl run mysimplenodeapp --image=myacr.azurecr.io/mysimplenodeapp :latest --port=5000 kubectl expose deployment mysimplenodeapp --type=LoadBalancer --name=mysimplenodeapp --port 5000 ## Update the cluster: az aks upgrade --resource-group {ResourceGroupName} --name AKS01 --kubernetes-version 1.12.6
Standard Stuff.
The trick is, when you need to update you SP credentials, how are you going to do it? Seems that there are 2 ways you can update the credentials, in the portal and via command line.
Long story short: Use the command line method! Ran into a problem when the secret was created in the portal. The portal generated a very complex password and after updating the AKS cluster:
az aks update-credentials \ --name "AKS01" \ --resource-group {ResourceGroupName} \ --client-secret 'sJk_^/(_{##)-!&@(:|&&;:}*/G[{i$m+(}JC@?;]).X+3(Vb:>>%z?_J:' \ --service-principal {SPAppID } \ --reset-service-principal
Images couldn’t be pulled from the ACR:
Failed to pull image "myacr.azurecr.io/mysimplenodeapp:latest": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https://myacr.azurecr.io/v2/mysimplenodeapp/manifests/latest: unauthorized: authentication required
When I updated the SP credentails using the CLI way:
SP_ID=$(az aks show -g {ResourceGroupName} -n AKS01 --query servicePrincipalProfile.clientId -o tsv) SP_SECRET=$(az ad sp credential reset --name $SP_ID --query password -o tsv) az aks update-credentials \ --resource-group {ResourceGroupName} \ --name AKS01 \ --reset-service-principal \ --service-principal $SP_ID \ --client-secret $SP_SECRET
My image pulled from the ACR right away!
Seems that when you reset the credential via the CLI, it generates a “GIUD” as the secret, which doesn’t have any of the non alphanumeric characters that the portal produces. And all seems fine.
So if it is time for you to update-credentials, use the CLI method:
SP_ID=$(az aks show -g {ResourceGroupName} -n AKS01 --query servicePrincipalProfile.clientId -o tsv) SP_SECRET=$(az ad sp credential reset --name $SP_ID --query password -o tsv) az aks update-credentials \ --resource-group {ResourceGroupName} \ --name AKS01 \ --reset-service-principal \ --service-principal $SP_ID \ --client-secret $SP_SECRET
Hope that helps someone!