Archive | PowerShell

PowerShell ValidateScript for and array of GUIDs as an argument

Not sure if that title make sense, and I am not sure I understand this code, but it seems to work:

Function TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt {
[ValidateScript({-not @( $_ | where {$_ -notmatch("^(\{){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(\}){0,1}$") }).Count})]$ArguemntToTest
write-host "Valid!"


TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt -ArguemntToTest "Jeff"
TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ArguemntToTest'.

TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt -ArguemntToTest "9e4c1911-f42a-42d9-af05-2a3df2823197"

TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt -ArguemntToTest "9e4c1911-f42a-42d9-af05-2a3df2823197","557b8323-f630-40d3-b438-b2229806c47d"

TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt -ArguemntToTest "9e4c1911-f42a-42d9-af05-2a3df2823197","557b8323-f630-40d3-b438-b2229806c47d","Jeff"
TestArrayOfGUIDsArguemnt : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ArguemntToTest'.

Hope that helps some one?

I got the idea from here

5 PowerShell functions to create a SCCM “trickle install” – i.e. X at a time.

If you look at this post, I describe a my idea of a SCCM trickle install – that is X number of machines at a time. Rather that have the install hit the whole collection at once, I wanted to hit just 20 a night. That way if there is an error, we can put the breaks on the deployment. We create dynamic collections that use a “NOT IN” SQL statement – this results in all the machines that are in the collection need the specific software. This script copies X at a time from that collection to new collection.

In the previous post, I run a VBScript that loops through the first 10 (or X) number of machines in the collection and add them to a new collection that contains the assigned advertisement. The next night, the script runs again, and the next 10 (or X) are copied (since the source collection is dynamic, the machines from the night before are removed).

I wanted to do the same thing, but I wanted to use PowerShell. First up, a function to find a Collection’s Id.

	Param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$CollectionName,
	$QUERY="Select CollectionID from SMS_Collection WHERE Name = '$CollectionName'"
	Return $(Get-WmiObject -namespace $SCCMNameSpace -computer $SCCMServer -query $QUERY)

Next a function to find all the machines in a collection:

FUNCTION JBM-SCCM-GetCollectionMembers{
Param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$CollectionID,
	$QUERY="SELECT Name FROM SMS_FullCollectionMembership WHERE CollectionID = '$CollectionID'"
	Return $(Get-WmiObject -namespace $SCCMNameSpace -computer $SCCMServer -query $QUERY)

Next a function to remove all machines in a collection (the ones that are directly added)

FUNCTION JBM-SCCM-DeleteAllCollectionMembers{
Param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$CollectionID,
	ForEach ($Rule in  $Collection.CollectionRules ){

Next, a function to add a machine to a Collection:

FUNCTION JBM-SCCM-AddCollectionMember{
Param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$CollectionID,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$ComputerToAdd)

    $computer = gwmi -computer $SCCMServer -namespace $SCCMNameSpace -Query "select * from SMS_R_System where NetBiosName='$ComputerToAdd'"
    $ruleClass = [wmiclass]"\\$($SCCMServer)\$($SCCMNameSpace):SMS_CollectionRuleDirect"
    $newRule = $ruleClass.CreateInstance() 
    $newRule.RuleName = $ComputerToAdd 
    $newRule.ResourceClassName = "SMS_R_System" 
    $newRule.ResourceID = $computer.ResourceID 
    $null = $Collection.AddMembershipRule($newRule) 

Finally, a function to copy machines from one collection to another, using the functions above:

FUNCTION JBM-SCCM-CopyCollectionMembers {
Param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceCollectionName,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$DestinationCollectionName,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$NumberToCopy)

    foreach ($Computer in $($SrcCollMembers | select -first $NumberToCopy)){
    JBM-SCCM-AddCollectionMember -CollectionID $DstCollID.CollectionID -ComputerToAdd $Computer.Name


The result – a trickle install.

PowerShell script to create a SCCM Package,Program and Queries

I wanted to automate the process of creating a new package. The following code will look at an XML file for values (same xml file I am using here) and create a package based on the values. A lot of SCCM PowerShell was gathered from here. Here is the example of the source XML file:

<PkgName Value="Firefox" />
<PkgManufacturer Value="Mozilla" />
<PkgVersion Value="12.0" />
<PkgSourcePath Value="\\domain.local\DFSRoot\Path\Mozilla\Firefox-12.0" />
<PkgcontainerNodeID Value="17" />
<CurrentVersionQueryName Value="Software-MozillaFirefox-12.0" />
<OtherThanQueryName Value="Software-MozillaFirefox-OtherThan-12.0" />
<QuerycontainerNodeID Value="4" />

And here is the script that creates the package, program, distribution point,and 2 queries (A query to show where version is installed, and a second to show where it is not installed (NOT IN).)

function JBMMURPHY-SCCM-CreatePackageAndQueries{
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
[ xml ]$s = Get-Content $XMLFilePath

$PkgCommandLine = "powershell .\SVCInstall.ps1"

## create package and move into appropriate folder
$PackageProperties = @{
Name = $PkgName;
Manufacturer = $PkgManufacturer;
Version = $PkgVersion;
Language = "English (United States)";
PackageType = 0;
PkgSourceFlag = 2;
PkgSourcePath = $PkgSourcePath
Priority = 2
$newPackage = Set-WmiInstance -class SMS_Package -arguments $PackageProperties -namespace $NAMESPACE
$newPackage | Format-List | Out-Null
write-host "pkgid=$($newPackage.PackageID)"

## Move Package
$MovePackage = @{
InstanceKey = $newPackage.PackageID;
ObjectType = 2;
ContainerNodeID = $PkgcontainerNodeID
Set-WmiInstance -Class SMS_ObjectContainerItem -arguments $MovePackage -namespace $NAMESPACE

## create new program = Per-system unattended

$NewProgram = @{
PackageID = $newPackage.PackageID;
ProgramFlags = $PkgProgramFlags;
ProgramName = "Per-system unattended";
CommandLine = $PkgCommandLine
Set-WmiInstance -class SMS_Program -arguments $NewProgram -namespace $NAMESPACE

## Add Distribution point to package

$NewDistPointForPackage = @{
PackageID = $newPackage.PackageID;
SiteCode = "LAB";
SiteName = "LAB";
SourceSite = "LAB";
ResourceType = "Windows NT Server"
Set-WmiInstance -class SMS_DistributionPoint -arguments $NewDistPointForPackage -namespace $NAMESPACE

## Creating Queries

## Current Verson Query
$CurrentVersionQuery="select SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName, SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.Version from  SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_R_System.Client = 1 and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like `'$($PkgName)%`' and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.Version = `'$($PkgVersion)`' order by SMS_R_System.Name";
$CurrentVersionQueryHash = @{
Name = $CurrentVersionQueryName;
Expression = $CurrentVersionQuery;
TargetClassName = "SMS_R_System"
$newCurrentVersionQuery = Set-WmiInstance -class SMS_Query -arguments $CurrentVersionQueryHash -namespace $NAMESPACE
$newCurrentVersionQuery  | Format-List | Out-Null

InstanceKey = $newCurrentVersionQuery.QueryID;
ObjectType = 7;
ContainerNodeID = $QuerycontainerNodeID
Set-WmiInstance -Class SMS_ObjectContainerItem -arguments $MoveCurrentVersionQuery -namespace $NAMESPACE

## Other Than Query
$OtherThanQuery="select SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName, SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName, SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.Version from  SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_R_System.Client = 1 and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like `'$($PkgName)%`' and SMS_R_System.Name not in (select SMS_R_System.Name from  SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_R_System.Client = 1 and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName like `'$($PkgName)%`' and SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.Version = `'$($PkgVersion)`') order by SMS_R_System.Name"
$OtherThanQueryHash =@{
Name = $OtherThanQueryName;
Expression = $OtherThanQuery;
TargetClassName = "SMS_R_System"
$newOtherThanQuery = Set-WmiInstance -class SMS_Query -arguments $OtherThanQueryHash -namespace $NAMESPACE
$newOtherThanQuery  | Format-List | Out-Null

InstanceKey = $newOtherThanQuery.QueryID;
ObjectType = 7;
ContainerNodeID = $QuerycontainerNodeID
Set-WmiInstance -Class SMS_ObjectContainerItem -arguments $MoveOtherThanQuery -namespace $NAMESPACE

# To Find Node: gwmi -Namespace $NAMESPACE -query "Select * from SMS_ObjectContainerNode WHERE Name = 'ContainerName'"
# Example run: JBMURPHY-SCCM-CreatePackage -XMLFilePath \\domain.local\DFSRoot\Path\Install.xml

PowerShell function to search CRM 2011 for and Entity (via REST/oData)

I wrote about how to retrieve records from CRM 2011 via oData. I wanted to wrap that up in a function that I can use to do a quick search:

Function JBMURPHY-CRM-SearchEntity{
PARAM([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet("Contact", "Account","SystemUser")]$EntityType,[parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$SearchString,[parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$SearchField,$FieldsToReturn)
$assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web.Extensions")
while ($url){
    $webclient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webclient.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
    $webclient.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json")
    $webclient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
    $json=new-object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
    foreach ($result in $data.d.results){
            write-host -NoNewline "$Count. "
            foreach ($field in $FieldsToReturn){
            write-host -NoNewline "$field : "
            Write-Host -NoNewline $result."$field"
            Write-Host -NoNewline ", "
            #write-host "$($result.FullName) , $($result.EMailAddress1)"
    if ($data.d.__next){
    else {

And to use this function:

JBMURPHY-CRM-SearchEntity -EntityType Account -SearchField Name -SearchString “Sard” -FieldsToReturn Name,AccountId

Using PowerShell to query CRM 2011 SOAP endpoint – Answer!

Big thanks to @JLattimer. He helped me figure our the error in my SOAP envelope.

In my last post, I was trying to retrieve FullName from Crm 2011’s web services via PowerShell. Below is the code to do that.

$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
$xml += "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd=''>"
$xml += "<soap:Body>"
$xml += "<Retrieve xmlns=''>"
$xml += "<entityName>contact</entityName>"
$xml += "<id>12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012</id>"
$xml += "<columnSet xmlns:q1='' xsi:type='q1:ColumnSet'>"
$xml += "<q1:Columns xmlns:c=''>"
$xml += "<c:string>fullname</c:string>"
$xml += "<c:string>telephone1</c:string>"
$xml += "</q1:Columns>"
$xml += "</columnSet>"
$xml += "</Retrieve></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"


$http_request = New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP
$http_request.Open('POST', $url, $false)
$http_request.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", $xml.length);
[ xml ]$results=$http_request.responseXML.xml
$ns = New-Object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $results.NameTable
$ns.AddNamespace( "b", "" )
$ns.AddNamespace( "c", "" )

Using PowerShell to query CRM 2011 SOAP endpoint – help!

I don’t know what I am doing wrong. All I am trying to do is to query  CRM 2011 via PowerShell and SOAP. The following PowerShell script should return the Contact’s full name, but I get nothing. Any ideas??

Here is the PowerShell:

$xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"
$xml += "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd=''>"
$xml += "<soap:Body>"
$xml += "<Retrieve xmlns=''>"
$xml += "<entityName>contact</entityName>"
$xml += "<id>12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012</id>"
$xml += "<columnSet xmlns:q1='' xsi:type='q1:ColumnSet'>"
$xml += "<q1:Attributes>"
$xml += "<q1:Attribute>fullname</q1:Attribute>"
$xml += "<q1:Attribute>telephone1</q1:Attribute>"
$xml += "</q1:Attributes>"
$xml += "</columnSet>"
$xml += "</Retrieve></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>"

$http_request = New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP
$http_request.Open('POST', $url, $false)
$http_request.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "");
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", $xml.length);

And here is the response:


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body><RetrieveResponse xmlns="">
<RetrieveResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:Attributes xmlns:b="">
<b:value i:type="c:guid" xmlns:c="">12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012</b:value>
<a:EntityState i:nil="true"/><a:FormattedValues xmlns:b=""/>
<a:RelatedEntities xmlns:b=""/>

I just don’t know what I am doing wrong. Why won’t the code return “fullname”, it is in the columnSet.

Update-2012-05-08:I have posted my question here, no answer yet

Update2-2012-05-05: I have posted and received and answer here on stack overflow. Big thanks to @JLattimer

PowerShell script to copy a SharePoint Document Library to a Local Path

I wanted to have a PowerShell script that downloaded A Document Library’s contents to a local folder. This is what I put together.

Function JBM-SharePoint-CopyDocumentLibraryLocal {
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity http://$SiteURL
$list = $spWeb.Lists[$DocumentLibrary]
foreach ($listItem in $list.Items)
    $DestinationPath = $listItem.Url.replace("$DocumentLibrary","$Destination").Replace("/","\")
    write-host "Downloading $($listItem.Name) -> $DestinationPath"

    if (!(Test-Path -path $(Split-Path $DestinationPath -parent)))
        write-host "Createing $(Split-Path $DestinationPath -parent)"
        $dest = New-Item $(Split-Path $DestinationPath -parent) -type directory
    $stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($DestinationPath), Create
    $writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($stream)

Add an appointment/email/phone activity to CRM 2011 via PowerShell (REST/oDATA)

I am looking to move some older list data into CRM 2011, so I wanted a way to create some “activities” via powershell. Below is the code to do that. In the first part of the code, I create a PowerShell object and then I convert it to a JSON object via PowerShell 3’s new ConvertTo-JSON cmdlet.

$JsonObject = New-Object psobject -Property @{
ActivityTypeCode = "appointment"
Subject = "jbmurphy TEST"
Description = "This is a descritpion"
ScheduledStart = "2012-03-20T18:00:00Z"
ScheduledEnd = "2012-03-20T18:00:00Z"
Location = "Office"

# I am using PowerShell 3's ConvertTo-Json
$jsonEntity=$JsonObject | ConvertTo-Json

$http_request = New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP
$'POST', $url, $false)
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json")
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

PowerShell script to search SharePoint Search WebService via SOAP

I wanted to copy all the files found in a SharePoint Search result for a scope that lived on a file share. So I wrote the following PowerShell code to query a SharePoint Search scope and find the url for each result.

$SQLQuery="SELECT WorkId,Path,Title,Write,Author from Scope() WHERE `"Scope`"='NarrowScope' AND FREETEXT(defaultproperties,'Cows')"

$CountToReturn = 1000
$xmlDoc = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$QueryPacket = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("QueryPacket")
$QueryPacket.SetAttribute("xmlns", "urn:Microsoft.Search.Query")
$Query = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("Query")
$Context = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("Context")
$QueryText = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("QueryText")

#If you are Using the KeyWord method
#$QueryText.SetAttribute("type", "string") 

#IF you are using SQL method
$QueryText.SetAttribute("type", "MSSQLFT")

$Range = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("Range")
$Count = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("Count")






$Service = New-WebServiceProxy -UseDefaultCredential -uri
[ xml ]$Results = $Service.Query($QueryPacket.OuterXml)
write-host "Results=$($Results.ResponsePacket.Response.Range.Count)"
foreach ($Doc in $Results.ResponsePacket.Response.Range.Results.Document){
write-host $PATH
#here is where you put your copy cmd
cp $PATH c:\Temp

PowerShell how to create an object (Note to Self)

$test = new-object psobject -Property @{
Name = 'John Doe'
Age = 3
Amount = 10.1
MixedItems = (1,2,3,"a")
NumericItems = (1,2,3)
StringItems = ("a","b","c")

Another example:

$Object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        LineNumber       = $LineNumber
        Date             = $TodayDate
        ServerName       = $svr
        DatabaseName     = $Database
        UserName         = $
        CreateDate       = $CreateDate
        DateLastModified = $DateLastModified
        AsymMetricKey    = $user.AsymMetricKey
        DefaultSchema    = $user.DefaultSchema
        HasDBAccess      = $user.HasDBAccess
        ID               = $user.ID
        LoginType        = $user.LoginType
        Login            = $user.Login
        Orphan           = ($user.Login -eq "")

Second example taken from here

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