Google Reader Starred items to

I use from Reinvented Software as my archiving solution – my knowledge base. I like the product because it leaves the pdfs I create on the filesystem and the db contains the tags and links associated with each file. I used to use Yojimbo, but it keeps all the files in their database. I am not sure it is that big of an issue (especially because we are considering SharePoint as a document management system!), but I am living with I just need a way to get my data to my iPhone – but that is another issue.

My information consumption workflow starts in Google reader, and Reeder for the iPad and iPhone, and ends in Interesting items are “Starred” in Google Reader, and I needed a way to get the starred items to I could not find a way to do it in bulk until I ran across this post explaining how to dump your starred items to a html document. I took the script a little further and I used apple script to import the url into


require "rubygems"
require "open-uri"
require "simple-rss"
feed = ""
rss = SimpleRSS.parse open(feed)
rss.entries.each do |item|
puts "Downloading: #{item.title.sub( ":", "-" )}\n"
%x(osascript -e 'tell application \"Together\" to import url \"#{}\" as web PDF')

Make your starred items public, and change the “0000000000000000000000” to your user id (as described in the the original post). Run it, and 50 starred items at a time will be added to your
My colleague suggested that I unstar the item automatically after added to Together, but I will have to sit down and figure that out.

WordPress TwentyTen Custom Header setting in the db

When we move a WordPress site from development to production we update the URL in the following db values:

  • in the GUID value of each post in wp_posts
  • in the wp_options table, the option_name of home
  • in wp_options, the option_name of siteurl

In a recent move, we found that the custom header in the TwentyTen theme was not displaying correctly when we moved across servers. Seems that when you use a TwentyTen theme or child theme, a wp_option is added to the table – theme_mods_twentyten. The value of this contains all the theme mods including the the URL of the header image. The query below would update the URL in this value:

  • mysql –batch –skip-column-names -e “use $CURRENTDB;UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, ‘”$OLDSITENAME”‘, ‘”http://$NEWSITENAME”‘) WHERE option_name = ‘ theme_mods_twentyten’;”

Note: When using a copy of the TwentyTen theme, the option_name value will be theme_mods_NameOfTheTheme.

MySQL replication of WordPress dbs over ssh

I wanted to setup MySQL replication over ssh for a small WordPress database. I have a VM that lives in my house, I wanted to be able to bring it up, make it current, disconnect, and then hack away. Here is my proceedure.

On the master:

Setup the replication user (I had to use becasue % did not let me connect from ssh):

grant replication slave on *.* TO repl@"" identified by '[repl password]';

edit /etc/my.cnf

replicate-do-db=DB_TO_REPLICATE   #the name of the db you want to replicate.

From the slave:

edit /etc/my.cnf

server-id = 2
master-host =
master-user = repl
master-password = password
master-port = 7777
replicate-do-db = DB_TO_REPLICATE   #the name of the db you want to replicate.

Next, tunnel a ssh connection from slave to the source, and then make sure you can see the source databases:

ssh -f -N -L7777: [email protected]
mysql -h -P 7777 -e "show databases;"

Next create a local database:

mysql -e "create database DB_TO_REPLICATE;"

Next we want to find where the master’s log is and its position:

MASTERLOGPOS=$(mysql -h -P 7777 --batch --skip-column-names -e "SHOW MASTER STATUS;" | cut -f2)
MASTERLOGFILE=$(mysql -h -P 7777 --batch --skip-column-names -e "SHOW MASTER STATUS;" | cut -f1)

next we want to seed the local db

mysqldump -h -P 7777 DB_TO_REPLICATE | mysql -u root DB_TO_REPLICATE;

and finally, tell the db to use the source as the Master:

mysql -e "start slave;"

To test I run:

mysql -e "show slave status\G;"

and I compare the following on the master and the client:

mysql -e "select id,post_parent,post_modified,post_title from jbmurphy_com.wp_posts"

DrivesMeNuts: Windows shutdown tracker

You know that drop down box that looks like this (called the Shutdown Tracker):

Every month when I patch servers it DrivesMeNuts that Microsoft did not put in a “Planned” option for “Operating System: Patching”

Every time I click the shutdown tracker, I think: “Microsoft intentionally left “Patching” off the selection list, so that the logs don’t track the amount of patching we have to do!”

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator on ESX

This is how I installed Dell OpenManage Server Administrator on our VMware ESX 4.1 box

tar -xzf OM-SrvAdmin-Dell-Web-LX-6.4.0-1266_A00.4.tar.gz
cd linux/supportscripts/
./ -x
esxcfg-firewall -o 1311,tcp,in,OpenManageRequest
./ restart

Mostly a reminder for me, but maybe a search engine will bring someone here, and it would be helpful.

My “Copy WordPress site to local” script

I wanted to write a script that would copy a WordPress site to the local machine from a remote server (securely over ssh). This would allow me to set up a test environment or backup. First I need to make sure the site exists on the source server. Then I want to get the current wp-config settings, like the database name:

echo "Checking $SRCSERVER for a site named $SRCSITENAME"
CHECKCMD="ls /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | grep wp-config.php > /dev/null; echo \$?"
if [ $CHECKFILE -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Source Site $SRCSITENAME on $SRCSERVER exists"
        SRCMYSQLSITEUSER=$(ssh $SRCSERVER grep "DB_USER" /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 2 -d "'")
        SRCMYSQLSITEPASS=$(ssh $SRCSERVER grep "DB_PASSWORD" /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 2 -d "'")
        SRCMYSQLSITEDB=$(ssh $SRCSERVER grep "DB_NAME" /PATH/TO/$SRCSITENAME/wp-config.php | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 2 -d "'")
        echo "Source mySQL Site Database:"$SRCMYSQLSITEDB
        echo "Source mySQL Site Username:"$SRCMYSQLSITEUSER
        echo "Source mySQL Site Password:"$SRCMYSQLSITEPASS
        echo "Source Site $SRCSITENAME on $SRCSERVER does not exist"

Next I provision a new site with a new virtual host, and I copy over the files:


Next I provision a new blank MySQL database with the name, username, and password received in the first part for code, then I copy over the db data via ssh:

echo "Copying mysql data from $SRCSERVER to local database name $DESTSITENAME"
ssh $SRCSERVER "mysqldump -u root $SRCMYSQLSITEDB" | mysql -u root $DESTSITENAME

Finally I run a couple of SQL queries to change the URL that WordPress has inside the DB.

echo "What is going to be the WordPress URL"

OLDSITENAME=$(mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DESTSITENAME;select guid from wp_posts LIMIT 1;" | cut -d"/" -f3)
echo "Changing the wp_posts guids from $OLDSITENAME to $NewURL

mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DESTSITENAME;UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE (guid, '"http://$OLDSITENAME"','"http://$NEWURL"');"

echo "Changing the home and siterurl to $NewURL"

mysql --batch --skip-column-names -e "use $DESTSITENAME;UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '"http://$OLDSITENAME"', '"http://$NEWURL"') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';"

My PowerShell PowerCLI VMware guest provisioning script

This script will provision a 4GB Ram, 40 GB HD Server 2008 R2 VM, set the CD to an OSD iso, set the BootDelay to 5 seconds, and start the machine

$vmhost = Get-VMHost ""
$ds = Get-Datastore "server:storage1"
$rp = get-resourcepool -id "ResourcePool-resgroup-22"
$nn = "NetworkName"
$gi = "windows7Server64Guest"
$iso = "[server:ISOs] Folder/OSD.iso"

$vmname = "VMGeust01"
New-VM -name $vmname -VMHost $vmhost -numcpu 1 -DiskMB 40960 -memoryMB 4096 -datastore $ds -guestID $gi -resourcepool $rp -cd -NetworkName $nn
Get-VM $vmname | Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -IsoPath $iso -StartConnected $true -Confirm:$false

$value = "5000"
$vm = Get-VM $vmname | Get-View
$vmConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$vmConfigSpec.BootOptions = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineBootOptions
$vmConfigSpec.BootOptions.BootDelay = $value

Start-VM -VM $vmname

OS X: Move files based on creation date

I wanted to organize my flip videos – I wanted them moved into a folder named after their creation date.

One of the scripts that I found uses ls’s “–time-style” parameter. BSD’s ls does not have this value. MacPorts’ coreutils port contains gls (GNU’s ls) that does support the parameter. So here is my script to move movies into a sub folder based on the movies creation date.

for filename in *.MP4; do
    datepath="$(gls -l --time-style=+%Y-%m-%d $filename | awk '{print $6}')"
    echo "$datepath"
    if ! test -e "$datepath"; then
        mkdir -pv "$datepath"
    mv -v $filename $datepath

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