My upgrade of SharePoint 2007 to 2010 “script”

One of my most recent projects was the migration of our intranet from SharePoint 2007 to 2010. Since we were going to change the name of the site, I was able to run through this “script” several times as practice to make sure I had everything correct.

I decided to do a detach and attach method. Here are some of the things we did.

  1. We preformed several test a detach and attach upgrades with the new URL. This allowed us to test everything using the new url, and make changes back in the original 2007 site so that it would work once we performed the final live cutover.
  2. All new code/pages/hacks were added to the 2010 site into New documents libraries. These were backed up using this script and restored after every new test detach an attach test. This way all new code would be in place with the final live cutover.
  3. Since we were doing a new Navigation, we created the navigation in the old 2007 site, and hid them by audience. Then one of the steps below is to change the audience which would un-hide the new navigation in the final cutover.

Step 1. Backup all the new code/pages/hacks that have been added to the new site that needs to be restored.

$folderDate=$(get-date -uformat "%Y-%m-%d")
$folderHour=$(get-date -uformat "%H")

foreach ($web in $(Get-SPSite | Get-SPWeb)){
    foreach ($list in $web.Lists) {
    mkdir -force "$backupDir\$($Web.Title.replace(' ','').replace('/','-'))\"
    Export-SPWeb $($web.Url) -itemurl "$($list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl)" -path "$backupDir\$($Web.Title.replace(' ','').replace('/','-'))\$($list.Title.replace(' ','').replace('/','-')).cmp"

Now we have captured all the changes that were made to the new site (which we will be restoring after the next cutover test)

Step 2. Remove the previous test cutover site

Remove-SPWebApplication "SharePoint -" -RemoveContentDatabases -DeleteIISSite

Step 3. Re-create new app and apppool.

New-SPWebApplication -Name "SharePoint -" -Port 80 -HostHeader -URL "" -ApplicationPool "SharePoint -"

Step 4. remove the content database that is created by default

Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication "SharePoint -" | Remove-SPContentDatabase

Step 5. Backup 2007 site to a share and restore to new SQL server (or new db name on existing SQL server).


$sqlcmdBackup="BACKUP DATABASE [Content_Intranet] TO DISK = N'\\path\to\network\share\Content_Intranet.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'Content_Intranet FullBackup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10"
invoke-sqlcmd -query "$sqlcmdBackup" -Server $SRCSQLSERVER -QueryTimeout 1200


$sqlcmdRestore="RESTORE DATABASE [Content_Intranet] FROM  DISK = N'\\path\to\network\share\Content_Intranet.bak' WITH  FILE = 1,  MOVE N'Content_Intranet' TO N'K:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Content_Intranet.mdf',  MOVE N'Content_Intranet_log' TO N'K:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Content_Intranet_log.LDF',  NOUNLOAD,  REPLACE,  STATS = 10"
invoke-sqlcmd -query "$sqlcmdRestore" -Server $DESTSQLSERVER -QueryTimeout 1200

Step 6. Mount the restored database and upgrade the uner experience.

Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name Content_Intranet  -DatabaseServer NewSQLServer -WebApplication -Updateuserexperience

Step 7. Re-import exported Document Libraries that contain the new code/pages/apps

Import-SPWeb -Path \\path\to\network\share\date\hour\LibraryName.cmp

Step 8. Clean up navigation by changing audience, change homepage to new page in restored Document Libraries.

Step 9. Alter web.config for Cisco WebVPN

Step 9. Allow inline PDFs

That was it. I did it several times, and it ended up being a smooth cutover.

PowerShell command to allow inline PDF viewing in SharePoint 2010

My users like to view PDFs in their browser on our SharePoint site. I needed to allow this in 2010:
Here is the powershell to allow inline PDF viewing in SharePoint 2010

$webapps = Get-SPWebApplication "SharePoint -"
foreach ($webapp in $webapps) 
} stats from last year

I missed my blogging goal of 2-per-week/104 for the year. I ended up 98 posts. Same goal for this year.
I also missed 10,000 in a month. I was on track at the beginning of December, but then I had a big drop during the holidays.

My monthly break down:

December	 9085
November	 9827
October		 9427
September	 9010
August		 9440
July		 9151
June		 8171
May 		 7352
April		 5027
March		 3966
February	 3160
January		 2741

Here is my year end traffic graph from Google Analytics:


And here is the breakdown for the traffic:


My 2013 goals are 2 posts per week/104 per year, as I said above. And 15,000 visitors a month. 15k may be out of my reach, but I would love it!

How to hide a field in a SharePoint EditForm.aspx page, append a replica, add a jQuery autocomplete, and put the selected value in the original field.

If you look at this old post, you can see a technique that I used to hide a form field, and then append read-only data after it. I wanted to use this technique to hide a field in a form, append a replica with a jQuery autocomplete, and based on the selected value from the drop down, put the value in the original filed. I actually wanted a comma separated concatenation of all the selected values (multiple lookups). For example, I wanted to create a form to capture all the people at a meeting, the the attendees field would be hidden and replaced with a input box that can lookup contact GUIDs from a CRM, and once the contact is selected, the GUID is appended to the contents of the original Attendees field.

First up, the code to hide the field I want:

	attendeesRow='<tr id="attendeesRow"> \
		<td nowrap="true" valign="top" width="190px" class="ms-formlabel"><h3 class="ms-standardheader"><nobr>Attendee<nobr></h3></td> \
		<td valign="top" class="ms-formbody" width="400px"> \
		<div id="AddAttendees"><input type="text" id="AddAttendeesSearchTextbox" /> (add an EXISTING CRM Contact)</div><br/> \

Lines 1-5 is the code for the new replica field
Line 6 hides the existing field
Line 7 prepends the new replicate created in Lines 1-5

Next is the jQuery code to attach an autocomplete to the new text box (AddAttendeesSearchTextbox). I am using a little knockout to organize my code and I use some of the observable arrays to make the page more dynamic.

	    source: function (request, response) { VM.contactsSearchSourceREST(request, response) },
		delay: 600,
		minLength: 3,
		select: function(event, ui) {
			var selectedObj = ui.item;
			return false;

And here is the javascript code (part of the view model) that is used for the source of the jQuery AutoComplete (CRM 2011 oData REST endpoint). Just a simple ajax call to CRM 2011.

	self.contactsSearchSourceREST = function (request, response) {
	    var serverUrl = ""
	    var ODATA_ENDPOINT = "/ORGNAME/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
	    var ODATA_EntityCollection = "/ContactSet";
	    var strSelect = "$select=FullName,ParentCustomerId,ContactId"
	    var strFilter = "$filter=substringof('" + request.term + "',FullName) and StateCode/Value eq 0"
	    var URL = serverUrl + ODATA_ENDPOINT + ODATA_EntityCollection + "?" + strFilter + "&" + strSelect
	        type: "GET",
	        contentType: "application/json",
	        datatype: "json",
	        async: false,
	        url: URL,
	        beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
	            XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
	            XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
	        success: function (data, textStatus, XmlHttpRequest) {
	            response($.map(data.d.results, function (item) {
	                return {
	                    label: item.FullName + ' (' + item.ParentCustomerId["Name"] + ')',
	                    value: item.FullName + ' (' + item.ParentCustomerId["Name"] + ')',
	                    fullname: item.FullName,
	                    ParentCustomerIdName: item.ParentCustomerId["Name"],
	                    id: item.ContactId
	        error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
	            alert("failure " + errorThrown);
	            return false;

Next is the knockout code (part of the view model) that is used to push the new contact guid into an observable array upon selecting the AutoCompleted contact

    self.Attendees = ko.observableArray(); = function(fullname, firstname, lastname,ParentCustomerIdName, activitypartytype, guid) {
	this.fullname = fullname;
	this.firstname = firstname;
	this.lastname = lastname;
	this.ParentCustomerIdName = ParentCustomerIdName;
	this.role = activitypartytype;
	this.guid = guid;
    self.addAttendee = function(fullname, firstname, lastname,ParentCustomerIdName, activitypartytype, guid) {
        self.Attendees.push(new, firstname, lastname,ParentCustomerIdName, activitypartytype, guid));

And finally the knockout code to concatenate the GUIDs and put them in the hidden (original) field (Attendees).

    ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.Attendees(), function(contact) {
        total = total + contact.guid + ';'
    total = total.substring(0, total.length - 1);
    return total

Pretty complex, lots of different techniques bing used (knockout, jQuery, ajax). Hope it makes sense.

Using jQuery to add a new item to the breadcrumbs at the top of a SharePoint 2010 site.

I wanted to add a bread crumb item to a sub site that pointed back to the home page. This is the jQuery code I used to insert it. This code also aadds the little arrow divider

var NavItem ='<a id="ctl00_PlaceHolderSiteName_onetidProjectPropertyTitle" href="/">Home</a>'

NavItem = NavItem + '<span id="onetidPageTitleSeparator" class="s4-nothome s4-bcsep s4-titlesep"><span><span style="height:11px;width:11px;position:relative;display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;"><img src="/_layouts/images/fgimg.png" alt=":" style="border-width:0px;position:absolute;left:-0px !important;top:-585px !important;" /></span></span> </span>'

$(".s4-titletext h1").prepend(NavItem)

PowerShell 3: Invoke-WebRequest vs Invoke-RestMethod and a SharePoint 2010 list with more than 1000 entries

When using Invoke-RestMethod with a SharePoint 2010 list and ListData.svc, it returns an “System.Xml.XmlElement#” object. Not sure why, but the end result is that you can’t get access to the “rel=next” url, or am I doing something wrong?

$Results=Invoke-RestMethod -uri $ListUrl -UseDefaultCredentials
$Results | gm 
TypeName: System.Xml.XmlElement#

I had to use Invoke-WebRequest and then take the Content and put it in an XML variable, only then could I get to the next page of items.

$MailingLabels = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ListUrl -UseDefaultCredentials
$Next =  ($ | ?{$_.rel -eq "next"}).href


SharePoint 2010 modal dialog (showModalDialog) without an existing page

I was retrieving Activity data from a Microsoft CRM 2011 REST query. I wanted to have a popup with more information. I decided to use the built in showModalDialog. The problem was that all the examples I found showed how to popup an existing page. I wanted the modal to contain data that didn’t exist anywhere. The solution was to use the following code, specifically create a divElement and set the innerHTML to html that contained the data I want to show. I threw in some typical SharePoint css classes to keep the same look and feel as the rest of the site.

    displayActivityModalDialog = function () {
        var divElem = document.createElement('div');
        var htmlOutput = '<div class="ms-bodyareacell"><table>'
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Type:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.ActivityType + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Subject:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.Subject + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Date:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.ScheduledStart + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Regarding:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.Regarding + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Organizer:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.Organizer + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Description:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.Description + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '<tr><td width="190" class="ms-formlabel">Other Attendees:</td><td class="ms-formbody">' + this.RequiredAttendee + '</td></tr>';
        htmlOutput += '</table></div>'

        divElem.innerHTML = htmlOutput;
        var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
        options.html = divElem;
        options.title = "Activity details";
        options.showClose = true;
        options.showMaximized = false;

Now I can put anything in a showModalDialog!

SharePoint 2010, CSOM and External Lists – must use LoadQuery

I was working on some JavaScript code to pull data from an External List that was pointing to a Microsoft CRM 2011 database. The code was being used to populate a jQuery autocomplete like this post. In that post you can see on line 10, I use the “load” method. This worked, but if I started a new query before the previous one ended, a javascript error was thrown. I am sorry I don’t recall the error – I am blogging this a month or so after I figured it out.

It took me a while, but I found one reference to figure out the issue. It is on page 143 of Scott Hillier’s book “Professional Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010” (I found it via the google query “loadquery external list”)

The work around was that you have to use LoadQuery with External lists, Load is not supported. Not sure where this is documented, but it took me quite a while to figure that one out.

Hope that helps some one?

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